Your support changes lives.
We are a small charity so the money you donate goes further and allows us to make a difference to these children’s lives. For just £5.00 a week you can help us work with children who have suffered the devastating effects that trauma can bring. Help us unlock that by using creative approaches to support these children.
We use creative therapeutic approaches to bring healing to children and their families who have with suffered with trauma, loss and their mental health and wellbeing.
For the Love of a Child is a Scottish Christian faith based charity and was founded in 2010 by Tom and Donna Jennings following the tragic death of their little boy Samuel.
Sam died suddenly at just five years old from heart failure whilst happily playing at a fruit farm. This tragedy was the catalyst for Tom and Donna to look for ways to bring hope and love into the lives of children and families who have also suffered with trauma and loss.

The trauma of war has been so well documented throughout history and war can have a profound psycological effect upon children. As a charity we feel we have an obligation to do something before we loose a generation.
Children find it really difficult to express themselves which is why through using art, stories and play it can allow a child to begin to process their trauma.
Through our projects for pre school children we want to train and support those on the ground. We have developed a programme that allows the children to explore, unlock and process their trauma safely.
We have worked in lebanon on the Syrian border, Afghanistan and we are currently hoping to work in Iraq. We have also worked in countries that have high rates of child prostitution and child labour, India and Pakistan.

Mental Health & Wellbeing Programme For Schools
The Listening Stone programme has been designed to transform communities by helping children at risk to improve their emotional, mental, and physical health, as well as to help them build their own resilience and sense of hope. The eight-week programme is for primary aged school children aged 5 – 11, who may have experienced trauma, loss, or bereavement due to neglect, emotional and physical abuse, alcohol or drug or other adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). It provides a safe and fun and therapeutic environment. The programme is based on a book called The Listening Stone (written by our founder, Donna Jennings) and explores the themes of the story whilst offering a safe, therapeutic, playful, and creative space where children can explore and process, in a non- threatening way, the issues they’ve faced, or they can process difficulties they may have experienced at an age appropriate level. We know from research, past experience and feedback that this approach resonates well with children and has proven successful in enabling many children to process their trauma. The Listening stone aims to help children:
- Feel safe
- Overcome fears and anxieties
- Explore loss and bereavement
- Build confidence and self esteem
- Improve socialisation
- Learn how to value themselves and others
- Help explore difficult feelings/emotions
- Have fun and be creative
- Build resilience and hope